ISCO is glad to announce that the following professors are the Abstract International Committe
Top selected 3 abstracts will be orally presented in the main hall of ISCO GOT RESEARCHERS’ scientific session in front of an international committee of expert researchers)
Abstract International Committee

Axel Le Cesne
Head of the Institute`s International Department.
Former Head of the Sarcoma Committee at
Gustave Roussy Institute, France.
Co-chair of the French Sarcoma Group.
Former Member of the Board of Directors of the
Connective Tissue Oncology Society.

Fabrice André
President of European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Director of Research, Gustave Roussy, France.

Karim Fizazi
Head of Urologic Pathology Committee,
Gustave Roussy Institute, France
Head of International Academic Network,
Gustave Roussy Institute, France

Thierry Le Chevalier
Former Head, Department of Medicine,
Former Chief of Service, Medical Oncology,
Former Chairman, Clinical Trials Committee
Gustave-Roussy Institute, France