Head of Gynecologic Pathology Committe, Gustave Roussy, France
Researcher & clinical trials Principal Invistigator, gynelocologic Oncology, Gustave Roussy, France
Dr. Patricia Pautier has been responsible for the multidisciplinary gynecological cancerology committee since 2015.
Involved in the management of ovarian and uterine cancers and rare gynecological tumors, she is co-coordinator of the national network of rare ovarian tumors.
Dr. Patricia Pautier is a member of the GINECO group (National Investigators Group for the Study of Ovarian Cancers) and the GSF (French Sarcoma Group), with which she participates in conducting trials in gynecological tumors and sarcomas (in particular leiomyosarcomas). She is the principal investigator of phase II and III studies of these tumors.